Artificial Intelligence
for Lazy,
Smart Professionals

Artificial Intelligence today is a wholly different landscape from the science fiction ideas that were written about 50 years ago. For example, we have a variety of speech interfaces in the form of devices and tools like Alexa, Siri, Google Home, and more, devices in a box that are nothing similar to the idea of a human in a box.
We give these things a voice because they are a new way of working with your computer. One part of the AI movement is an introduction of new tools; speech instead of a keyboard, speech instead of a screen.
Another practical aspect of the AI movement is a force multiplication of simple decision-making. AI providing answers to simple spoken questions and chat-bots on websites are an example of this.
- Because we're lazy, we want to use AI to make our work easier.
- Because we're smart, we know we need to separate out the myth of AI from the real, useful applications of AI as a tool.
- The first thing to do is to break down the myths and metaphors and find out what AI can do